How to move from defense to an attack in pickleball
One of the most important skills to master in high-level pickleball is transitioning from defense to offense. In early-level pickleball, when one team gets the advantage at the kitchen line, they will likely win the point. However, as players progress in their skill level, they need to learn how to stay alive in the transition zone and regain control of a point. Doing so...
Variations of pickleball fourth shots and when to use each
Every pickleball player who has advanced in their game knows the importance of the third shot. But an area often overlooked is the fourth shot, which can be a team’s greatest weapon. Generally speaking, the serving team is slightly disadvantaged because they have to work toward the net after the serve. As such, the receiving team has a slight advantage because they can start...
How to improve your reaction time and baseline movement for pickleball
At high levels of play in pickleball, players need to be able to turn on a dime, sprint across the court, and make explosive lateral movements, particularly in singles. That’s why it’s important for all pickleball players — but especially singles players — to master their baseline movements. These baseline movements can include sprints, reactive movements, and visual reactions. In this Selkirk TV Original,...