It’s not an uncommon beginner pickleball story — a younger person steps confidently on the court to face off against a team of older players. They expect a quick win but instead walk away with a brutal loss.
As younger players progress, they become more formidable opponents. However, they are not unbeatable.
In a new Selkirk Pickleball TV series, “Senior Success,” senior professional pickleball player Steve Paranto shares tips for seniors who play pickleball. In this episode, Steve shares essential strategies for beating younger players.
Keep the ball in play
The first thing to consider when playing younger players is that although they might be more athletic, they likely won’t be as consistent with the ball.
Younger, newer players are more prone to errors, whether through shot selection or poor shot mechanics. As a senior player, it’s important to keep the ball in play, be consistent, and don’t play attackable balls.
Don’t aim for the sidelines
This tip should be followed against most opponents, but especially when a senior team is playing younger players.
Hitting a ball next to or on a sideline is a low-percentage shot because you can easily miss the court. When playing younger teams, the payoff of this shot isn’t worth it because they can easily get to the balls that senior players may not.
Additionally, when you hit a dink near the sideline, you risk the ball bouncing wide, which opens up a chance for your younger opponent to hit an around-the-post shot.
Avoid paddle battles
Younger opponents typically enjoy the fast hands battles at the net. Because they are younger, they tend to have faster reflexes.
Rather than speed up the ball, continue to play a patient, controlled game. If your opponent speeds up a ball at you, consider using a block volley with your pickleball paddle rather than firing back — unless you get a nice putaway opportunity.
Choose your lobs wisely
While using the lob against other senior players is often an effective strategy, it can be detrimental when playing younger players.
Younger players often have an easier time retrieving lobs and can even jump to reach them while in the air. When using a lob, ensure your younger opponent is off balance or has their head down as you execute the shot.
Don’t use drop volleys
Drop volleys can be an effective way to throw off your opponents when they’re scrambling at the baseline. However, younger players can often retrieve them with ease.
This means that you’ve given away your advantage by allowing your younger opponents to advance to the net.
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