When you find yourself down by a substantial margin in a pickleball game, some mental fortitude is required. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you stage a comeback, even when you’re down by 8, 9, or even 10 points.
1. Stay mentally prepared
Reset your mindset
Focus on one point at a time rather than the overall score. Stay positive and believe in your ability to turn things around. Avoid "What if?" statements.
Control your emotions
Avoid frustration and channel your energy into problem-solving. Negative body language or words are wasted energy. Keep your chin up and keep trying.
2. Take it point by point
Set small, tangible goals
Set mini-goals, like winning a dink rally or executing a third shot drop or drive successfully. Incremental progress builds momentum. Celebrate those small victories as this can build confidence.
Stay in the present
Don't dwell on past points or the scoreboard — stay focused on the current point. Say to yourself, "right here, right now."
3. Strive for a shift in momentum
Capitalize on pressure
Your opponent may become nervous as you close the gap. Stay aggressive and composed to exploit their errors. It may make your opponent second-guess themselves.
Raise your intensity
Show visible determination like a fist pump or let out a "come on!" to signal you're still in the fight. By doing so, you plant seeds of doubt in your opponent's mind.
4. Stay focused under pressure
Recognize when your mind wanders
Set aside thoughts of the score and simply strive to play with purpose and confidence. Thinking ahead is a distraction. Worrying about what might happen is not helpful for performance. Maintain a here-and-now focus rather than letting your mind drift toward what "might" happen.
The next time you find yourself playing from behind, don't give up! Use the aforementioned tools to help you perform your best, even when at a scoring disadvantage. You may just pull off the upset!