Selkirk Sport - We Are Pickleball
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Community Highlights | Aug 22, 2022

By Stephen Bass

Selkirk Advocate Spotlight - Jill Alpert

Jill is one of our Advocates representing Selkirk in Mashpee, MA! She is an avid player and teacher of pickleball, and we are proud to have her on the Selkirk Team! 

How long have you been playing Pickleball? How often do you play?

3 years. I play roughly 6 days per week, sometimes I do double headers in one day!

What paddle do you play with and why? What do you love about your paddle?

I started with the Epic Amped, then moved to the Invikta.  I jumped at the opportunity to become part of the LABS research project, and have been using the 002 ever since receiving it a couple of months ago.  I LOVE the spin and control that the paddle generates

What is the best advice you would give to a fellow player for Pickleball?

I teach my beginner students to BE BRAVE.  Be brave enough to show up to a pickleball court, brave enough to ask a fellow player to practice dinking when not playing a game.  Be brave enough to attempt that 3rd ball drop, brave enough to work on the 5th ball drop if that feels better.  

Most importantly, to have fun and be confident.

Tell us about the first time you heard the term "Pickleball." How long was it before you decided to give Pickleball a try? Were you addicted from the start?

A friend of mine from Cape Cod invited a couple of friends and me to a pickleball court.  Being an accomplished tennis player for a couple of decades, I was skeptical that I would like it.  After learning the mechanics, and playing, I became HOOKED!  6 months later, I officially retired my tennis racquet, and never looked back.  Purely pickleball for me!

Is Pickleball a family affair?

Oh, yes.  My husband (a recreational soccer player), had made fun of me for loving pickleball- suggesting it was not a "sport".  So... I dragged him on a court forward 1 year later, he cannot play pickleball enough!  No more soccer for him!

When our children come to visit, pickleball is always on the agenda.  Of course, they always think they can beat Mom..., sorry, kids!

How do YOU define your style of play?

Spin Master. As I mature with pickleball, I have combined my use of power, with my use of finesse.  Spin is just an added bonus. 

What is your favorite part about Pickleball?

The camaraderie, the laughs, the sweat.

What is your top vacation spot? Why?

I live in  my favorite vacation spot - Cape Cod!!!  I love the vibe, the ocean, the people, the large number of places to play pickleball

What is your favorite memory associated with Pickleball?

I have two...

The first dates back to May 2020, possibly the darkest and most fearful time during COVID.  I found an old badminton net in my garage, and converted it to the height of a pickleball net. I received sidewalk chalk via Amazon.  Every afternoon, for 1 hour, my friend and neighbor, Rosanne, and I would meet outside of my house, draw out the lines to a court and bring out the net.  We would practice our dinking, serves, returns.  It was the highlight of our days, the brightest moments, brought joy and smiles to us both.  

The second memory is medaling in my first tournament.  I jumped up and down like a 5 year old child at the ice cream store!!!  I also didn't take off my medal for days!

What hobbies do you enjoy?

When not teaching, promoting or playing pickleball, I head up adoptions for a Massachusetts based 501c3  canine rescue. It is so rewarding to help save sweet, lost pups in Texas and place them in to safe, loving homes here in MA.  I also like to cook, garden and go on long beach walks with my pups!

Tell us about your pets?

Buddy is a Beagle/Shepherd mix, 8 years old, my complete shadow. Hercules is a Lab/Weinmariner mix, 6 years old, funniest boy who loves to find mischief with his older brother.  The two , together, are hilarious

Which do you prefer - chocolate or vanilla? Why?

Hands down, Vanilla.  The underappreciated, "boring" flavor.  It's simply the best

Do you prefer cake or pie? Why?

Cake, specifically for the loads of icing

What has been or is your favorite job?

Acting as USA Pickleball Ambassador to Mashpee. This role has afforded me the opportunity to help grow the sport locally in a positive and meaningful way.  It also has afforded me the opportunity to become a Selkirk Advocate, a role I treasure as it allows me to showcase and use products that are backed by a company dedicated to customer support.

What do you drive?

A Sedan...wish it was electric!

What is your favorite color to wear on the court?

Black clothes, red wrist band.  POWER colors!  And...matches my paddle!

What routines do you have before games?

Before a tournament, I like to blast songs from Queen in my car and sing along, LOUDLY!

What are your favorite places to play? Why?

While playing indoors is easier, there are way more outdoor venues and tournaments.  I enjoy the challenge of feeling the wind, and the sun, and how to adjust your game to meet these challenges...

But, playing inside is definitely more about the actual mechanics of the game!

What is one of your proudest moments?

Raising confident, independent, funny kids

How do your friends describe you?

I am loyal, and would do anything for a friend.  And have the funniest "potty" mouth on the courts.  I laugh a lot.  I am also known as the person who creates themed round robins, such as candy, TV series, alcoholic drinks or restaurants, to name a few.

What is the latest or most played song on your mix? Why?

I play "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen every time I drive to a tournament or highly competitive pickup game.  It fuels me!

What is the best advice you have been given?

Have faith in myself, don't give up, maintain a sense of humor in tough situations.

What is the best advice you can give (any topic)?

Be yourself, be brave, have fun, don't sweat the small stuff

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