How do you call a pickleball in or out? Tips for beginners from pickleball official Maddie Toren on Selkirk TV
In the latest installment of “10 Pickleball Rules for Beginners,” professional pickleball official Maddie Toren explains how to call the ball in or out in pickleball. Everyone who has played pickleball has likely had a close line call during one game or another. If playing with friends, many opt to redo to the point to keep the peace. However, there are official rules that...
Breaking down approved pickleball paddles, balls, and apparel: Tips for beginners from pickleball official Maddie Toren on Selkirk TV
In the latest installment of “10 Pickleball Rules for Beginners,” professional pickleball official Maddie Toren breaks down legal pickleball equipment and apparel. Although there are many types of pickleball paddles and balls on the market, regulations restrict what can legally be used in tournament play. The USA Pickleball Association governs what equipment can be used during tournaments so that the sport remains fair. These...
When you can cross the plane of the net in pickleball: Tips for beginners from pickleball official Maddie Toren on SelkirkTV
In the latest installment of “10 Pickleball Rules for Beginners,” professional pickleball official Maddie Toren explains when pickleball players can cross the plane of the net. After striking the ball, a player or anything the player is wearing or carrying may cross the plane of the net. This includes a player’s paddle, hat, and apparel. It’s important to note that although a player may...